Monday, 12 September 2016

Genius Hour Project

Music Express (2016). Mahalo Dark
Blue Soprano Ukulele MR1.
Retrieved from
Hello my little learners!!

Guess what?! I am going to be learning the ukulele! That's right, this week I begin my passion project a.k.a. my genius hour project!  For our technology class we are going to be exploring a passion and reflecting on our experience during the project.  Truth be told, I am cheating a little bit during this process.  I actually already own a ukulele and have spent a little time attempting to learn BUT I definitely still qualify as a beginner.  Because of this status I am going to be  documenting my progress over a matter of 8 weeks to see how well I can progress.  My goal is to be able to play an entire song from memory.  Recently, my father told me about an app that he found called Yousician that takes you through different steps in helping you develop your skills.  I am hoping that playing a minimum of two times per week, half an hour each will help me accomplish my goal.  On top of using this app, I am going to find more resources to help me learn sheet music for ukulele as well.  I grew up playing piano so I am hoping that this will give me an edge in my task. Interesting fact, the ukulele in the picture to the left is actually the exact one I own.  That lovely shade of blue is definitely going to add some flare.  I'll keep you updated on my progress!  Bye for now MLLs!

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