Monday, 19 September 2016

Genius Hour Progress - Update #1

Hello my friends!

How's it going?  I'll take your silence to mean it was excellent.  How was mine you ask? Well, let me tell you!  This was the first official week with my genius hour project and I've come to realize I might need to practice more than twice a week to accomplish my goal of playing a song from memory on the ukulele.  I did follow my time line though which I am pretty proud of.  Actually, I went home this weekend to visit my parents and played a little bit for them.  For someone who grew up playing in music concerts and learning new songs, this was the ultimate throw back.  I have not performed for my family members since I was in grade.  I am aware that I am using the word "perform" very loosely here but it was still kind of satisfying having them sit and listen to me mess up playing "Eliza Jane" 4 times.  My mother did put in a song request of "Mandolin Wind" by Rod Stewart, which has a ukulele in it but I think I am a ways off from accompanying him on stage (but dream big MLLs!).  Anyway I have decided to tentatively follow my timeline and actually try to aim for at least 3 practices a week instead.  One of the downfalls of the resource that I mentioned last time, Yousician, is that it interrupts you with adds and only gives you 30 minutes of feedback for free unless you want to update.  That being said, one of the coolest parts of the app is that it can actually hear you playing and lets you know when you are off-key or playing to early/late.  It's a really good tool since that means you aren't drilling the song into your head when you're actually playing it wrong.  I'm going to attempt to video tape my next practice session and uploaded it so you guys can see the skill level that I'm at now and hopefully what I progress to!  I'm aiming for stardom here.  That little girl just won America's Got Talent singing and playing the ukulele so maybe I'll be next.  Always nice to have a solid backup in case teaching falls through am I right?  Anyway, until next time my little learners!

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